Keep these three points in mind when raising dairy cows!

2020-11-10 17:43:46 dy

Dairy cows have a relatively important position in my country's cattle breeding industry. Now the milk on the market is processed, and now milk is favored by many people. Raising dairy cows is more profitable, but the following three aspects should be kept in mind when raising dairy cows to ensure better and rapid development of dairy farms.

Sheep&Cattle Farming | GREAT FARM

Tips for buying cows

1. Variety. There are many varieties of dairy cows. There will be a certain gap in the living habits, milk production and reproductive ability of different breeds of dairy cows. But raising dairy cows is definitely for making money, not for boring and playing, so we need it before breeding. Choose a good variety. At present, the best milk production on the market in our country is our common black-and-white dairy cows, but there are still many dairy cows in farms that are not purebred, so we are best able to go to the kind of large-scale farms to choose Buy studs, and if you are still unsure, you can ask a professional to check to make sure that the cows you buy are genuine black and white cows, so that milk production can be guaranteed.

2. Quality. After the breed of dairy cow is determined, the quality of the dairy cow needs to be checked. If you are not familiar with the characteristics of dairy cows, you can consult relevant experts or let them go together to purchase. Generally, you need to observe carefully. The size, limbs, forequarters, hindquarters, edges and corners, muscles, abdomen, chest, fur, neck, back and other places of the cow, followed by the color of the cow is also more important. The most important thing is to observe whether the udder of the cow meets the standard , If everything is displayed normally, then you can make a choice.

3. Age. When buying dairy cows, you also need to pay attention to the age of the cows. We usually don’t choose adult cows or cows that have produced milk for several years. Such cows do not produce high milk, and you don’t know how other people feed them. , Do not have a comprehensive understanding of its physique and other aspects, which increases the difficulty of breeding, and secondly, the milk production of such cows is also decreasing year by year, and there is no money at all, so our best is It is best to choose calves or dairy cows in the rearing period. These two age groups are the best.

4. Quarantine. **After you buy dairy cows, you need to pay attention to quarantine the dairy cows. You can’t buy dairy cows in infected areas. Secondly, when buying dairy cows, the seller needs to show the necessary quarantine certificates and other health inspection certificates. Everything is up to the standard then you can buy it. The small point I want to say here is that when buying dairy cows, we are best to buy them in a centralized manner. Do not buy in bulk. The dairy cows that are bought in bulk are not easy to manage in a unified way, and at the same time, the degree of ** cannot be guaranteed The quality of cows.

Feeding management of dairy cows

1. Carefully raise. The effect of feeding management on milk production of dairy cows**. The lighting and ventilation conditions of the cowshed are better. Clean up daily. Tether it outdoors for more sunshine in winter and in the shade in summer. The supply of green fodder is sufficient, and it is better to not have enough to eat. Roughage is used as a mix and added in small amounts. Concentrated feed is calculated based on milk production. High-yield dairy cows are fed 1 kg of concentrate for every 3 kg of milk produced, and low-yield dairy cows are fed 1 kg of concentrate for every 4 kg of milk produced. Feed regularly, feed moldy feed, and do not drink cold or dirty water. Milk is gradually dried after 10 months of production. Because the fetal cow has grown to about 7 months at this time, the physical energy of the cow is very large, and the dry milk is conducive to the recuperation and adjustment of the cow to prepare for the next lactation period. There are two ways to dry milk. One is the gradual dry milk method, that is, reducing the number of milking from 3 times a day to 1 time, restrict drinking water, and strengthen exercise. Stop milking when the milk production drops to 4 kg, and the cows will gradually dry the milk within 2 weeks; the second is the rapid dry milk method, reduce the concentrate, control the green material and drinking water, strengthen exercise, and squeeze 1 milk on the same day and then milk the next day. Second, let the cows dry their milk within 1 week.

2. Breeding management. ① Check the various sheds of the dairy farm early. Before the advent of strong convective weather, carry out safety inspections of the exhibition and breeding sheds. The person in charge of the cattle farm should organize personnel to conduct detailed inspections of the cattle shed, delivery room, grass storage, storage warehouse, milking table, cattle farm fence, office and staff dormitory , If problems are discovered, they must be reinforced in time to prevent problems before they occur. People and cows living in dangerous sheds must be moved in time to prevent casualties. ②Conscientiously do a good job in the prevention and control of animal diseases. After severe convective weather becomes a disaster, it is often a period when livestock and poultry diseases are frequent. It is necessary to effectively strengthen the prevention and control of animal diseases, do a good job in immunization and disinfection and harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry, strengthen epidemic monitoring, strengthen emergency preparedness, and timely handle sudden epidemics. ③Reasonably adjust the diet to increase the concentration of dietary nutrients. Appropriately increase some high-quality concentrates and good palatability, easy-to-digest feeds, and increase the ratio of protein, vitamins, minerals and other feeds in the diet according to the feed intake to increase the nutrient concentration of the diet. Feeding rations should be small, high-quality, easy to digest, and appropriate high-energy and high-protein feeds should be added. ④ Strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of pens. In the rainy season, clean the pens in time to ensure that the pens do not accumulate too much feces and urine, and keep the pens relatively clean and dry to avoid wet and urine pens contaminate the breasts and induce mastitis. In addition, due to the heavy rain, the cows cannot go out to the sports field, so it is necessary to increase the disinfection of the pens to create a good living environment for the cows.

Scientific milking

① Milking correctly. The correct milking method is an effective means to obtain high milk yield. Improper milking methods will not only reduce milk production, but also damage the breasts. Causes breast inflammation. Milking begins on the day of delivery of the cow, and milking 3 times a day. Wash the breasts with warm water and massage the breasts every time before milking. **On the first day, each breast is squeezed 2 kilograms of milk, 1/3 of each breast is squeezed on the second day, and 1/2 of each breast is squeezed on the third day. You can then squeeze normally. Pay special attention to the fact that you can't squeeze the milk in your breasts within one day, otherwise it will easily lead to paralysis after delivery. Before manual milking, you should cut your nails, wash your hands, and hold the nipples with your hands to express the milk evenly and quickly. Each cow's milk should be squeezed within 6-10 minutes. Manual milking requires less input, but it takes time and effort. Professional households are best equipped with a milking machine for milking, which not only saves time and effort, but also greatly reduces the chance of milk contamination.

② Pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene. Milk is a food that is directly consumed or used for deep processing. Therefore, the milk must be clean and hygienic, and it is strictly prohibited to mix in dirt or adulterate. Clean the milk bucket and the milking machine every time before and after milking. The hindquarters of the cow should be brushed, the udder should be scrubbed clean, and the milk should be discarded from the extruded head. Because the first 3 pieces of milk contain more bacteria, it will contaminate the milk and affect the quality and storage time of the milk. After milking, cover the lid and sell or send to the purchase station as soon as possible. Cows suffering from mastitis or during the use of certain drugs should be careful not to drink the expressed milk. Because some residual drugs will enter the milk juice and affect milk quality.

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