How to raise sheep more rationally and scientifically?

2020-10-19 11:28:40 Dy

Sheep&Cattle Farming | GREAT FARM

1. The sheep breed was not selected

Breed is the primary condition for improving the economic efficiency of sheep raising. The quality of the breed directly determines the production performance, feed consumption, feeding cycle and feed meat ratio of the sheep. Numerous experiments have shown that raising good hybrid sheep can increase the number of weaned lambs per litter of ewes by 1 to 2, increase the weight gain by 10%-30%, and increase the feed utilization rate by 10%-15%. Good breeds grow faster than local sheep and have a shorter feeding period, which can increase economic benefits by 10% to 12%.

2. Unreasonable feed mix

Feed is the basis of raising sheep and the key factor in the success or failure of raising sheep. Under normal circumstances, feed costs account for 70% to 80% of the cost of raising sheep, so how to select, use, and develop feed reasonably, increase the feed rate of return, and reduce the rate of feed consumption, plays a decisive role in improving the economic benefits of raising sheep.

3. Inadequate prevention and treatment of sheep disease

Once an outbreak occurs in a sheep farm, it will surely cause major economic losses, or even a disaster. Looking at the existing sheep farms, there is generally a problem of weak concepts of epidemic prevention. The epidemic prevention work is still blind, random, and fluke. Many sheep have epidemic diseases throughout the year, one after another, year after year, and again and again. After several years, the sheep farm had to be closed. The losses were heavy and the lessons were profound. Sheep farmers always focus on the price of sheep, thinking that the price of sheep is the determinant of the profitability of the sheep farm, but it is not. If it is specific to a sheep farm with 500 ewes and 800 commercial sheep per month, an epidemic of diarrhea in winter will cause a direct loss of 400,000 yuan; and if the price of sheep is reduced by 1 yuan per kilogram, 100 kg of sheep A reduction of 100 yuan, 800 commercial sheep lost an average of 80,000 yuan a month due to price cuts, which is only one-fifth of the loss caused by epidemic diarrhea.

4. Sheep farm management is not scientific

A well-managed sheep farm can save feed and avoid feed waste, so that the maximum amount of feed input can be converted into the weight gain of the sheep; a well-managed sheep farm has fewer sheep diseases, which can save vaccine purchases Costs, and can save the cost of conventional preventive medication and therapeutic medication. According to reports, poor feeding management and improper selection of feed have increased the feed-to-meat ratio by 0.2, and the feed used for each slaughter sheep will increase by 20 kg, and the cost will increase by 30 yuan; the sickness of the sheep will increase the cost of medicine by 10 yuan per sheep.

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